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Unix timestamp

How many seconds is from 1.1.1970? Find out and convert Epoch Posix time online.

See how many seconds have passed since January 1970. This is a Unix timestamp that is widely used in computer science.

Current Unix timestamp

Convert between Unix timestamp and datetime

Unix timestamp


Second (sec):

Interesting questions and answers about Unix timestamp

What is Unix timestamp?

Unix timestamp is number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00, excluding leap seconds.

What is "leap seconds"?

A leap second is a one-second correction irregularly applied to Coordinated Universal Time, which is the basis of commonly used civil time.

What is Unix?

Unix is an operating system for computers, similar to Windows or MacOS or Linux. It was created in 1969.

Understanding Unix Timestamps: The Numeric Backbone for Tracking Time in Computer Systems

A Unix timestamp is a numeric representation of a specific moment in time. It is typically used to track the date and time of events in computer systems, and is often stored as a signed integer value that represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch. The Unix epoch is the point in time at which the Unix timestamp is set to 0, and is generally considered to be midnight on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The Unix timestamp is commonly used in computer programming, particularly in web development, to represent the exact date and time of an event or action. For example, a Unix timestamp could be used to represent the time at which a user performed a specific action on a website, or to track the date and time of a transaction in a database.

One of the benefits of using a Unix timestamp is that it can be easily converted into a human-readable date and time format. This is useful when displaying the timestamp to users, or when comparing timestamps to determine the time difference between two events. To convert a Unix timestamp to a human-readable date and time, a programmer can use a function or library that is capable of converting the timestamp to the desired format.

In addition to its use in computer programming, the Unix timestamp is also commonly used in other fields, such as cryptography and network security. For example, a Unix timestamp could be used as part of a digital signature to verify the authenticity of a document or message.

Overall, the Unix timestamp is a versatile and widely-used tool for tracking and representing dates and times in computer systems. Its simple numeric representation and easy convertibility make it a convenient choice for many applications.

Understanding UTC: The Global Time Standard That Keeps The World In Sync

Universal synchronous time (or UTC), formerly known as Coordinated Universal Time (or UTC), is the primary time standard used in aviation, the automotive industry, and the scientific and technical communities. UTC is also used in schools, governments and businesses to keep their systems running on the same schedule. Each region chooses its own date and time offset from UTC. Every day, UTC is updated at 3 am Pacific Standard Time (PST) through 6 pm PST.

The accuracy of a computed UTC timestamp is then ± 0.9 second when averaged over a 30-minute period. A leap second is added to the calendar every few years to avoid changes in the length of the year as Earth rotates. There are also regions called time zones that are based on different cities or towns. The primary time zone is named Greenwich.

Time zones are defined by how far the region is from the prime meridian. For example, North America has 12 time zones based on how far they are from North American Eastern Prime Meridian (EPIM). The primary time zone is named Greenwich, after London's Royal Greenwich Observatory where the prime merthing was located before the observatory's destruction during World War II. The primary time zone acts as a benchmark for other zones and defines everyone's daily work hours. The main difference between primary and secondary time zones is that secondary zones are between 2 and 13 degrees off the prime meridian- therefore, these offset zones are better suited for evening entertainment or business pursuits.