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GPS position

View GPS (Global Positioning System) location of your device.

Open the map with your world's current position. See the latitude, longitude and accuracy.

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Interesting questions and answers about geographic location

What is GPS?

GPS is a global positioning system using satellites in space. It is operated by the United States Space Force and owned by the United States of America. GPS allows using an electronic receiver to determine the exact location where you are on the surface of the earth.

What other services are there besides GPS?

  • Galileo
  • BeiDou

What devices support GPS?

GPS is most often supported by smart mobile phones with an operating system such as Android or iOS.

Why doesn't my phone show GPS location?

Either you do not have GPS enabled in your mobile phone settings, or your mobile phone does not support GPS. Try to find GPS setting in your mobile phone or tablet.

What is passive GPS?

Passive GPS monitors the position of a moving vehicle based on specific driving events. For example, passive GPS trackers record where a vehicle has been driven for the past 6 hours or more. Passive GPS information is stored in internal memory or on an external device such as a memory card. The stored information is later transferred to a computer for analysis. Sometimes stored data is automatically sent over the Internet and downloaded at certain points or requested while driving.

What smartphone apps are there to display GPS location?

For example, look for these great maps in Google Play or the App Store:
  • Google maps

Countryside with road Countryside with road
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Nature with trees Nature with trees
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Agricultural field Agricultural field
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Unlocking the World: How GPS Technology Revolutionizes Navigation, Cartography, and Daily Life

A global positioning system, or GPS, is a network of satellites that enables users to obtain location information. It is a vital navigational tool used by drivers, hikers and many other professionals. GPS is also a useful tool for daily life; it can tell you where an item you need is located and can help you keep track of several individuals.

A GPS receiver enables users to find their location easily. It consists of a satellite transmitter and receiver unit that works together to determine a person's location. A satellite transmits data that tells the receiver where you are. The receiver then processes the data and displays it on a map. GPS works anywhere there's a clear view of the sky and a clear signal path to the satellite. It's particularly useful in environments with heavy foliage, such as jungles, deserts and mountains.

GPS technology has made it possible to track and map the earth's environment at unprecedented speeds and with extreme accuracy. High-precision atomic clocks synchronize all the coordinates transmitted by the satellites. This makes it possible to keep track of time accurately, which is very helpful when logging events or performing other calculations. The coordinates can also be used to calculate longitude and latitude values for any given point on the earth's surface. This has led to revolutionizing cartography, meteorology, geodesy, geopolitics and many other fields of science and technology.

GPS has numerous applications; it can be used in cars, aircraft, ships and even space vehicles. It's particularly useful for hikers who need to find their way back home after a day of walking. You can set a course on your GPS device and let it guide you on your way home safely. You can also use it indoors to find your way around your home or office without getting lost.

A disadvantage of using GPS is that your location can be determined if you're within range of a satellite signal. People living in urban areas or rural areas without access to a signal sometimes find their location leaked online when they use their cell phones. You can always disable the GPS function on your phone if you want to stay anonymous when using it in public spaces. However, there are ways around this issue if you live in an urban area with good signal access. You can always use an urban camouflage suit to make yourself unidentifiable when using GPS in public spaces- this will stop your location being tracked.

GPS has become an indispensable component of our daily lives; we use it for navigation and calculating geographic data points everywhere we go today, but that will change tomorrow as we discover more uses for this technology. Everyone knows how important this technology is; next time you're in the wilderness, take out your GPS device and see how invaluable it becomes!